Our annual Prizegiving event is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our senior students. The day was a resounding success, and enjoyed by all who attended. Congratulations to all of our prizewinners, with a special mention to Valerie Lui who was named as Dux Litterarum, our top academic honour. Well done students! For a […]
KAATI Year 10 Leadership Programme
10 November 2017 The KAATI Year 10 Māori Leadership programme was recently held at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in Māngere. Our students represented their school with pride and really enjoyed themselves, getting a lot out of the experience. “Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe me he maunga teitei.” “Pursue Excellence, and do not […]

Past Pupils and Friends Afternoon Tea
7 November 2017 Our annual Past Pupils and Friends afternoon tea is coming up and is an opportunity for former students to catch up and view new developments around the school. The Past Pupils have an enduring relationship with the school and at this year’s Senior Prizegiving the inaugural Past Pupils Cup for perseverance and […]

Senior Prizegiving
3 November 2017 It was lovely to see such great community support at our 2017 Senior Prizegiving Ceremony. This event provides an opportunity to recognise those students who have achieved high academic standards and contributed to Henderson High School in the many areas of school life during their time here. Congratulations to our students for […]