Our NCEA results further reinforce the trend for increasing levels of achievement. At the beginning of each academic year students are challenged to aim even higher. They continue to responded to our challenge – with Merit and Excellence Endorsements across Level 1, 2 and 3 up on the previous year.
While it is students who achieve these results, their success provides evidence that we have great teachers engaging and supporting students to realise their potential.
Our Emphasis
Our Academic Enrichment Programme - Te Hiringa - is flourishing. Students are selected in Year 9 based on skills, attitude, maturity and the ability to demonstrate the best work habits. A healthy combination of competition and collaboration also leads to higher levels of achievement.
High energy interaction; learning technologies are essential to support 21st Century skill development, but the quality of learning is what counts most in student success. Teachers are expected to deliver curriculum programmes that are stimulating and relevant. Students are expected to focus and contribute.
Our expectations are sky high – from dress standards to academic achievement to the quality of facilities and school grounds.
Data is the basis for reflection and reality checks – new tools support and drive achievement. This includes weekly reports to Year 9 and 10 parents, which highlight attendance and performance in class. A tracking system, which aligns with the NZ Curriculum assessment framework, easily identifies academic performance and areas of need. The information is shared with students, parents and staff, and is the basis for individual education plans for each student.