PPTA Teachers’ Industrial Action – Term Two 2023

Unfortunately, the PPTA negotiations with the Ministry of Education have not progressed successfully, and PPTA teachers have voted to increase their industrial action for the rest of Term 2.

1. PPTA members will continue with their relief ban, which means they are not available to cover classes if there are no day relievers available. This means we have to combine classes at times to ensure students are supervised.
2. Teachers will not work outside an 8-hour school day. This includes sending or responding to emails, and students should expect assessment marking to take longer.
3. PPTA members will not undertake any work related to preparation for NCEA changes.
4. A paid union meeting for PPTA members has been scheduled for Tuesday 27 June from 1pm.
5. Rostering home.

On the days notified below, students in the named year level will not be taught or supervised by PPTA members. Teaching and supervision of other year levels will continue as normal on those days. As almost all Henderson High School teachers are PPTA members, it is not possible for us to supervise the students affected, so they will need to remain at home.

Week 8 rostering home
Monday 12 June – Year 11 & 12
Tuesday 13 June – Year 9 & 13
Wednesday 14 June – Year 10 & 11
Thursday 15 June – Year 12 & 13

Week 9 rostering home
Monday 19 June – Year 9 & 10
Tuesday 20 June – Year 11 & 12
Wednesday 21 June – Year 9 & 13
Thursday 22 June – Year 10 & 11

Week 10 rostering home
Monday 26 June – Year 12 & 13
Tuesday 27 June – Year 9 & 10
Wednesday 28 June – Year 11 & 12
Thursday 29 June – Year 9 & 13

For clarity, on days notified above, teaching and supervision of other year levels not subject to the strike action will continue as normal.