Nei rā ngaā mihi kia tātou katoa i runga i ngā āhuatanga katoa o te wā.
Polyfest, for some students at our kura is their first engagement with Te Ao Māori. It is the doorway that they often walk through that changes their whole lives forever and this years journey was an experience that will not be forgotten by our students.
Our kaitātaki wahine, Elisabeth was acknowledged for her outstanding leadership and skills in the performance and Ngā Taiohi o Panuku placed 3rd overall in the Mōteatea. Also, a special mention to Boston and his leadership as kaitātaki tāne.
Finally a special acknowledgement to those people who helped us along the way, the Raukura (ex-students) that returned to give feedback on the performance, jumped up to play the guitar, helped with the moko and dress the tauira on the day. To the whānau that came in to prepare the kai and also the kaiako who came to the weekend practices to tautoko our tauir, just by being there. And Whaea Rere for her inspirational guidance and expertise. We appreciate you all!
We are very proud of Ngā Taiohi o Panuku and their achievements at Polyfest. Our students did an amazing job and came off the stage feeling great!
We look forward to seeing our kapa haka group perform at our Pō Whakanui (Māori Academic Celebration) next week. Invitations are on the way to our NCEA Achievers!